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From analyst reports to eBooks and videos to webinars, we have all the data protection content you need.


Building a Defensible Security Program

50% of CEOs who lack cybersecurity postures that are defensible to their key stakeholders will be fired following material breach incidents that impact greater than 25% of their customer base.
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Secure Telecommuting Through the Global Pandemic

Remote work creates greater risk for sensitive data and its handling. Of course, moments of crisis also unfortunately create more opportunities for bad actors to take advantage.
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Guide to Securing Pre-Release Content for Media and Entertainment Companies

In media and entertainment, content is king. To protect that content, you need a security model that puts the data first so that your content remains secure no matter where it goes, how it gets there, or who handles it.
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Definitive Guide to Securing Intellectual Property and Trade Secrets for Manufacturing Companies

Intellectual property is the lifeblood of any manufacturing company, but to safeguard the crown jewels, there needs to be a shift in the data security strategy to protect what really matters: the data itself.
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Definitive guide to bullet proofing data security for technology companies

While has enabled businesses to maintain higher levels of productivity, it has also increased the risk of sensitive data exposure and loss.
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Dynamic Data Protection for Financial Services

Digital transformation is rewriting what a successful financial services organization looks like. When looking for an industry in flux due to digital transformation, financial services is often the poster child.

The Definitive Guide to Data Security

Fortra's Definitive Guide to Data Security is your guide to better assess your own blind spots when it comes to data security.

The Definitive Guide to US State Data Breach Laws

A state-by-state guide providing a detailed synopsis of the state’s existing data breach laws, notification requirements, penalties for violations, and pending legislation.
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How to Overcome Pitfalls that Sabotage DLP Initiatives

Everything you need to know to ensure an effective DLP program that meets InfoSec and ROI goals.
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